Leaving our planet a better place matters to me, and that is why I’ve launched Earth Matters Now. Here I will share practical tools and habits for greener living that can be adopted to reduce the toxins and plastics that are contaminating our air, water and land.

My goal with Earth Matters Now is to publish one blog a month for 24 months. Each blog will contain an idea for one earth-friendly switch to try! If it works for you, please share with three other people. Together we can become equipped and empowered to easily, effectively and enjoyably preserve this planet for the people we love and for future generations.

Whether I’m dealing with big issues (installing solar or heat pumps) or little issues (eliminating plastic utensils and “doggie bag” containers), I will boil down the complex information I uncover into steps that feel easy and achievable.

We are all connected, to the Earth, to living things, to one another. What I do has ripple effects on my neighbor. We are more important to each other than we realize!

If nothing changes, nothing changes. But small changes made over time will build momentum — especially when they’re shared with others. We don’t have to do everything perfectly or right away. We just have to take the first step or two.

What you do matters.
What we do matters.
Every bit matters!

Check out this month’s blog!

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