If you have a favorite organization that you think fits in Earth Matters Now theme, please send me an email with information about it and what makes it EMN worthy. Companies are listed in Alphabetical Order.

4Ocean They are on a mission to end the plastic crisis in our oceans.
Catalog Choice Opt out of catalogs and junk mail sent to your home.
Consumer Reports Their mission: “Consumer Reports is an independent, nonprofit member organization that works side by side with consumers for truth, transparency, and fairness in the marketplace.”
Environmental Working Group EWG has an app and a wonderful online database that allows us to scan a product’s bar code to see how “clean” the product is for our bodies and our environment. “Our mission is simple: To empower you with breakthrough research to make informed choices and live a healthy life in a healthy environment.”
One Green Thing Nonprofit started by Heather White to address eco-anxiety. She has an online quiz to help people identify their service superpower. Then provides small, actionable steps for each superpower. My superpower was deemed “Influencer” 🙂
Plastic Free Foundation Global movement helping millions of people become part of the solution for pollution from plastics. Plastic Free July challenge and many other resources are at this site.
Story of Stuff Dedicated to stopping pollution from plastics.
Terracycle “Recycle the unrecyclable with TerraCycle®”